So, if you are getting this message, perhaps this is an effort from the app to safeguard your money.
Cash App payment declined due to unusual activity occurring: 1. Transactions are suspected of fraudulent activity on your account, it may decline payment for the purposes of safety. 2. Alert for the transaction has been declined for unusual activity means your bank and Cash App is declining the purchase.
The in-built safety features of Cash App ensure that all the transactions that happen using the app are safe and your money doesn’t go to the wrong hands.
In case you get a message that your Cash App and Cash App card declined due to unusual activity occurring, there could be certain reasons behind it.
Read: 7 Reasons Why Cash App Won’t Let me Send Money?

Why is my Cash App Payment Declined Due to Unusual Activity?
Let us take you through them.
1. Cash App Intervening for Safety Purposes
If Cash App suspects any unusual activity, it may prevent it from happening which is why you may sometimes get this error message. This is because anything new is treated as a potential safety hazard for the app and rightly so.
If it suspects any such activity, the funds (if debited) are instantly returned to the app and or the linked bank account. You should be able to use them instantly or within a span of 2-3 days depending on the nature of funds and the type of transaction that is averted.
2. Bank May Block a Transaction
Sometimes when this happens, it may be due to the bank associated with the app blocking a transaction. Banks sometimes have issues with such apps and while some don’t do any business with such apps, others are taking their sweet time to warm up to these platforms after having understood that these are here to stay.
If it is a bank issue, it may take some time to solve. But hang on, it will be done. It is a matter of time.
Some other common reasons why this may be happening include:
- Insufficient balance in your account. If you are trying to make a bigger payment than the actual amount of funds in your account, you may get this message.
- You could have hit a payment gateway downtime.
- The server may be down on the recipient’s end and while this may be frustrating, it can happen from time to time.
What Can You Do to Reduce the Risk of Payments Being Declined?
A seamless user experience is what Cash App is known for. It is therefore understandable if you are feeling stressed about the app being declined.
There are certain things that you can do at your end to ensure that such things do not happen. Here are a few tips:
- Make sure the name on your bank account linked to the app matches the name that you use on the app. The same goes for the cards. This ensures consistency and prevents confusion at all ends.
- Send and receive money from people you know and are legit. This even applies when you are using the app in a professional capacity. Make sure to get to know the investors, vendors and sellers beforehand and once you are satisfied, only then add them as a payee on the app.
- Double-check the receiver’s user name and number before making a payment. This not only prevents fraud but also reduces mistakes that may lead to a dent in your pocket.
- Be a regular user of the app. This enables you to have healthy transaction history and may prevent these instances significantly.
- If it is a bank issue, you should get in touch with the bank’s customer service department and ask them to speed things up at their end. A call should not take more than 5 minutes and you simply have to ask the bank to authorize the transaction.
Read: What Happens When you Decline a Cash App Request?
Using Cash App: Frequently Asked Questions
If you still have questions about using Cash App, here are a few frequently asked questions that may help you. We have them curated in one place so that you have all your queries solved in one place. Read on!
How Safe Is Cash App?
This is a question that persists in the minds of several users. Cash App is a safe app to use provided you are vigilant and careful. It has several safety features and anti-fraud filters that may sometimes prevent a transaction from happening.
Someone Is Trying to Send Me a Payment on Cash App But It Is Failing. Why?
It could be because of a number of reasons including an error on their part. Yes, if the sender has gotten even one digit of your information wrong, the transaction will be declined or at least blocked for some time unless it goes to someone else. It could be a server issue or an issue with the bank. One will have to check the exact cause.
Why Is My Cash App Declining Payments?
There can be a number of reasons and we have touched upon many above. Another thing that could be causing this is that you have exceeded your weekly or monthly limit and have forgotten about it. It is worthwhile checking if you have done that before moving on to other things.
Can I Get Duped on the Cash App?
If you are careful and vigilant, then chances are less. But just like any other online transaction platform, you can never be 100% sure because scammers are always on the prowl. But if you are careful and follow all the necessary steps, you will not get duped and your money will be safe.
Read: Why is My Cash App Payment Pending?
The Final Word
There may be several reasons that your Cash App is getting declined due to unusual activity. We have listed some of the most common ones so that you know what to do in case you are at the receiving end of any of these.
These are not long-lasting and a few quick steps can help you resolve most of these issues. So, make sure you try them all out and don’t panic!